From 6 January to 24 January, our customer service desk will be open 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Our call centre remains open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Council meetings are generally held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm (unless otherwise advertised) in the Council Chamber at 32 Civic Drive Greensborough.
Meetings may also be held virtually or hybrid (Councillors attend in the Council Chamber and online). Extraordinary meetings may be called as required and are advertised on Council's website.
Members of the public can attend in person meetings or watch online.
Find out the meeting dates for the year.
Read the agenda for the next meeting or read the minutes and decisions from past meetings.
Members of the public can attend Council meetings in the Council Chamber to watch the meeting, or submit a question to be read during public question time.
Watch the upcoming meeting live or view a recording of a past meeting.
Individuals and groups may lodge a petition to Council to request action or ask that action not be taken in relation to a matter.