Footpaths and nature strips

Photo of a footpath leading to a bridge at the entrance to Diamond Creek


Council looks after the footpaths in the Shire.

Residents are responsible for: 

  • footpaths damaged by vehicles accessing properties by means other than that of an approved vehicle crossover
  • footpaths damaged by tree roots coming from vegetation planted within a private property boundary 

Trees and the footpath 

Trees growing on private property which over hang the footpath are the responsibility of the resident.

Residents must keep all vegetation clear of the footpath itself as well as clear to a height of 2.5 metres above the footpath. 

Report a footpath issue

If you have noticed a damaged or missing footpath, pothole or trip hazard, you can let us know via our online portal.

Report a footpath issue


Nature strips

Nature strips are part of Nillumbik's Green Wedge environment. They complement the neighbourhood’s natural setting and are public land, not part of a residential property. 

Looking after your nature strip 

It is accepted practice that residents maintain the nature strip(s) abutting their property as an extension of their garden, with the exception of street trees which are maintained by Council.

Residents must not remove, lop or destroy any vegetation on nature strips or rural road reserves without permission from Council. 

Storing materials or parking on the nature strip 

You are not allowed to park on or store any type of vehicle or trailer or building materials on nature strips, as per Council's Local Laws.

Rubbish on the nature strip

If you see hard waste or rubbish dumped on the footpath or nature strip you can Report dumped rubbish.

Landscaping or planting on your nature strip or roadside 

If you want to landscape or plant on your nature strip or roadside, you will need to seek written permission from Council by applying for an infrastructure works permit. For more information, see working in the road reserve.

Removing vegetation from your roadside 

If you want to remove any vegetation from your nature strip, you may need to apply for a permit depending on the type of vegetation you wish to remove. Find out more about applying for a permit to remove vegetation from Council land.


Driveways and crossovers

Gravel driveways 

Unsealed driveways may pose a hazard if the topping material washes onto the road or footpath during rain.

Residents must keep the footpath and roadway in a clean and safe condition if driveway material is washed onto these surfaces.

Vehicle crossover 

This is the technical name for the extension to the driveway which goes into your property or a commercial property from a road. A crossover may be concrete, asphalt or clay/concrete paving.

In some cases a crossover incorporates a pipe culvert to allow the uninterrupted passage of stormwater. This forms part of the vehicle crossover.

As a crossover (and where present the pipe culvert) is part of a property’s driveway, it is your responsibility to maintain the crossover in a safe and serviceable condition. This includes keeping the pipe culvert clear of any debris. 

Constructing, extending or relocating a crossover 

If you want to construct or alter a vehicle crossover, you will need to apply for an infrastructure works permit to seek permission from Council. Find out more about working in the road reserve.