Protecting Nillumbik’s Biodiversity into the future

Published on 01 February 2024

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Help protect and enhance Nillumbik’s biodiversity by having your say on Council’s draft Biodiversity Strategy.

In recent consultation to help develop the draft strategy, Council heard that people in Nillumbik;

  • Value biodiversity
  • Think that biodiversity in Nillumbik and local areas today is okay, but declining
  • Consider the biggest threats to biodiversity in Nillumbik include habitat loss, climate change impacts, development of land, non-native/pest animals, and tree canopy loss in urban areas
  • Think that enforcement, Council decision making, advocacy and education are the priorities to protect biodiversity.

This feedback has helped inform the draft Biodiversity Strategy.

The draft strategy has two overarching goals, four focus areas and supporting actions:

  • Goal 1: The biodiversity of Nillumbik is healthy
  • Target: Achieve a net gain in the overall extent, connectivity and condition of habitat by 2034.
  • Goal 2: Nillumbik’s community values and cares for nature
  • Target: That 70 per cent of Nillumbik residents care for nature by 2034

The focus areas are:

1. Leadership and advocacy
2. People and Partnerships
3. Species and habitat enhancement
4. Mitigating threatening processes and impacts

Nillumbik Mayor Ben Ramcharan said he wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of the strategy so far.

“We’d now like to hear your thoughts and ideas on the draft Biodiversity Strategy to ensure we are on the right track to achieve positive outcomes over the next 10 years,” he said

Have your say by completing an online feedback form, attending a workshop or drop-in session or making a verbal submission. Feedback closes 11.59pm, Sunday 3 March.

To have your say, visit