Strategies, policies and plans

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35 Result(s) Found

Council advocates on the community's behalf on a range of matters.

Our advocacy efforts are predominantly directed at the Victorian and Federal governments and may include advocating for new or improved facilities, services or for necessary community infrastructure, including roads and public transport.


The Asset Plan 2022-2032 provides a high level strategic and financial view of how Council intends to manage its transport, building, drainage and open space assets over the next ten years.

It has been prepared to meet the requirements of section 92 of the Local Government Act 2020.

The Nillumbik Shire Council Communications Strategy 2022-2025 continues our commitment to place our community at the centre of everything we do.

The Strategy provides a robust framework to guide Council in its central aim of keeping our community connected to, and informed about, our programs, services and decisions in ways that are relevant and wide-reaching.

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