From 6 January to 24 January, our customer service desk will be open 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Our call centre remains open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
It is important to maintain your septic system to extend its life, avoid harming the environment, and to protect future use of the land.
When managed and maintained correctly, septic tanks (also called onsite wastewater systems) are a safe and effective method of treating and discharging wastewater.
When systems fail and release untreated wastewater into local waterways or stormwater drains, they can be a threat to public health and the environment.
You have legal obligations to maintain your waste water system.
Your permit lists those requirements and could include:
If you have a secondary treatment plant you need to organise for an accredited maintenance provider to conduct maintenance checks every three months.
We can issue fines for non-compliance.
If you are experiencing problems with your system, contact a plumber for advice. For more information about managing your wastewater treatment system, visit the EPA.
To talk about wastewater and your property call Environmental Health on 9433 3340.