Nillumbik Community Fund

Collage of people

Applications now open

The Nillumbik Community Fund offers grants of up to $5,000 to community groups, organisations, and clubs to deliver community-led initiatives that meet local needs and reflect and promote objectives from both the Council Plan 2021-25 and Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-25.

Applicants who live, work, study, volunteer or play in Nillumbik can apply for funding to support community-focused projects, activities and events taking place between 1 July 2025 and 30 June 2026. 


The Nillumbik Community Fund Grants aim to:

  • respond to demonstrated community needs
  • celebrate diversity and increase social inclusion
  • enhance the social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of Nillumbik residents
  • enhance and strengthen neighbourhoods and townships through arts, cultural and heritage activities
  • provide opportunities for community to participate in active and creative lifestyles
  • create a climate resilient community
  • develop community capacity and empowerment
  • foster and strengthen community involvement and participation in community led initiatives
  • create community pride and contribute to Nillumbik’s sense of public places
  • support low cost, innovative place activations that encourage social and community connection
  • support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in cultural and social activities, promote community understanding of reconciliation, and educate the broader community about Aboriginal heritage and culture
  • engage children and young people to promote leadership opportunities, increase social connections and develop confidence, knowledge and skills
  • support events and activities which are fun, safe, sustainable, accessible and inclusive.

Funding can be used to support the delivery of community led initiatives including but not limited to:

  • community or youth programs
  • First Nations cultural activities
  • arts, cultural and heritage activities
  • community events that target local community engagement
  • placemaking and other creative initiatives that aim to activate a ‘public place’ in Nillumbik
  • community safety initiatives
  • initiatives that enhance the environment and/or help to achieve Council's climate action aims
  • initiatives that enhance and celebrate diversity, access and inclusion.


  • Applicants must be a not-for-profit incorporated organisation, community group, school or club that lives, works, studies, volunteers or plays in Nillumbik, or partnered with (auspiced by) an eligible organisation (organisations can auspice multiple applications).
  • Artists, individuals and local businesses must partner with eligible not-for-profit incorporated organisations to be eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must hold a minimum of $20 million in public liability insurance, or if your activity will be held in a Council venue or on Council land, you may be eligible for coverage under Council’s community public liability insurance.
  • Applicants must be compliant or have satisfactorily acquitted all outstanding grants previously awarded by Nillumbik Shire Council.
  • Funds must be spent by 30 June 2026.


Applications will NOT be considered for:

  • a project, event or activity that is not being held in the Nillumbik municipal boundary, or does not directly benefit the Nillumbik community
  • day to day operational expenses, remuneration or core business costs (for example administrative, maintenance, utilities, and/or organisational operating costs, ongoing salaries, volunteer salaries, infrastructure, uniforms etc)
  • duplication of existing projects currently, or previously, funded by Council (if you wish to leverage off an existing project you must identify the innovative element or point of difference/value add)
  • projects that should be funded via other Council grants or government programs
  • projects that have received full funding from another source
  • applicants that are in debt to the Shire or non-compliant with all grants previously awarded
  • retrospective funding or projects which are due to commence prior to the notification of the application outcome
  • projects or events with a sole political or religious purpose that could be perceived as divisive within the community
  • events that are fully ticketed with no free or heavily subsidised component
  • single membership-based events that are not open to the public
  • activities that are primarily commercial
  • projects that are curriculum based or solely student focused
  • projects solely for fundraising or charitable purposes
  • gift vouchers, gifts, prizes, trophies, awards or donations
  • competitions with no community component
  • alcohol or gambling related activities.

For more information refer to the Guidelines(PDF, 2MB).

Support for applicants

Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the Community Grant Information Session on 18 February to receive helpful advice on how to apply, the selection criteria, and the assessment process, as well as meet with members of the Nillumbik Community Fund team to discuss your project for the best chance at success.

Before starting an application, it is essential to read the Guidelines(PDF, 2MB) to learn about the key dates, assessment process, funding conditions, how to apply and confirm the initiative's eligibility.

For a range of helpful resources and other important information visit the Grants page.