A E Cracknell Reserve 6 Bishops Road, Panton Hill 3759 Located in Bishops Road, Panton Hill, the reserve includes a sports oval, sports pavilion and tennis courts. Tagged as: , Parks & Gardens, Sports Grounds
Andrew Park 60 Diamond Street, Eltham 3095 Located in Diamond Street, Eltham, the park includes a sports oval. Tagged as: , Parks & Gardens, Sports Grounds
Ben Frilay Oval 36 Graysharps Road, Hurstbridge 3099 Located in Graysharps Road, Hurstbridge. Tagged as: , Sports Grounds
Bridge Street Rugby Ground 58 Bridge Street, Eltham 3095 Located in Bridge Street, Eltham. Tagged as: , Sports Grounds
Campbell Street Reserve 28 Campbell Street, Diamond Creek 3089 Located in Campbell Street, Diamond Creek, the reserve includes a sports oval, playground, baseball diamond, undercover picnic table and tennis courts. Tagged as: , Parks & Gardens, Playground, Sports Grounds
Coventry Oval 1 Elizabeth Street, Diamond Creek 3089 Located in Elizabeth Street, Diamond Creek. Tagged as: , Skateparks, Sports Grounds
Diamond Hills Reserve 244 Plenty River Drive, Greensborough 3088 Located in Plenty River Drive, Greensborough, the reserve includes a sports oval, playground and picnic areas. Tagged as: , Parks & Gardens, Playground, Sports Grounds
Eltham High School Oval 30-60 Withers Way, Eltham 3095 Located in Withers Way, Eltham. Tagged as: , Sports Grounds
Eltham Lower Park 570 Main Road, Eltham 3095 Located near the intersection of Main Road and Fitzsimons Lane, this park includes two sports ovals, two playgrounds, and is home to the Diamond Valley Railway. Tagged as: , Parks & Gardens, Playground, Sports Grounds